Marshall County

Elections by Year


BCLUW School Special Election

September 13, 2022

Special Election
A Special Election is any election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be held for any purpose authorized or required by law; often to fill a vacancy or for a public measure.

Election Results

1/1 Precincts Counted

Highlighted Race(s)

PROPOSITION I0-BCLUW School Revenue Purpose Statement

Majority required for approval · 1/1 Precincts Counted · Official Results

PROPOSITION IP-BCLUW School Physical Plant & Equipment Levy

Majority required for approval · 1/1 Precincts Counted · Official Results

Archived Election Details

Special election for the BCLUW Community School District will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Voting locations have changed for some voters.

The precincts for the BCLUW School District will be combined and voting at one polling location. All BCLUW School District Voters will vote at the Liscomb Community Building.


The polling place for the BCLUW School District voters shall be as follows:


Liscomb Community Center, 114 Main St., Liscomb, IA 50148- All that portion of the BCLUW Community School District lying in Bangor, Liscomb, Liberty and Vienna Townships.


Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle.  For further information, please contact the Marshall County Auditor’s office at (641)754-6302 or by e-mail at


Pre-registered voters are required to provide an approved form of identification at the polling place before receiving and casting a regular ballot. Voters who are not pre-registered – such as voters registering to vote on Election Day – and voters changing precincts must also provide proof of residence. A voter who is unable to provide an approved form of identification (or prove residence if required) 1) may have the voter’s identity/residence attested to by another registered voter in the precinct, 2) prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents, or 3) cast a provisional ballot and provide proof of identity/residence at the county auditor’s office by Noon on Monday, September 19, 2022. Election Day Registrant attesters must provide an approved form of identification. For additional information about providing proof of identity and/or residence visit: or phone (641) 754-6302.


In-Person absentee voting and mail absentee voting begins August 24, 2022.  Absentee voting will be at the First Interstate Bank, 11 N. 1st Ave, 2nd Floor, Marshalltown, in the Auditor/Recorder Office. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.


Special paper ballots will be used. The Public Measures are published as a part of this notice. 



Summary:  To adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement specifying the use of revenues the BCLUW Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund. 

In the BCLUW Community School District, the following Revenue Purpose Statement which specifies the use of revenues the BCLUW Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund shall be adopted. 

To provide funds to acquire or install information technology infrastructure (including improving buildings or sites for the purpose of accessing broadband digital telecommunications) and school safety and security infrastructure.

To provide funds to build and furnish a new school building or buildings; to build and furnish addition(s) to school buildings in the District; to remodel, reconstruct, repair, expand, and improve the school buildings in the District; to purchase and improve grounds; for demolition work; to furnish and equip district facilities.

To provide funds for the purchase, lease or lease-purchase of buildings, equipment (including transportation and recreation equipment), or technology and to repair transportation equipment for transporting students as authorized by law, to implement energy conservation measures, sharing or rental of facilities including a joint infrastructure project for the purposes of offering classes under district-to-community college programs as authorized in Iowa Code Section 423F.3(3)(c), procuring or acquisition of libraries, or opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings.

To provide funds to purchase land as part of start-up costs for new student construction program or if the sale of the previous student construction was insufficient to purchase land, and to purchase construction materials and supplies for a student-constructed building or shed intended to be retained by and used by the District.

To provide funds to make payments to a municipality or other entity as required under Iowa Code Section 403.19(2).

To provide funds for demolition, cleanup, and other costs if such costs are necessitated by, and incurred within two years of, a disaster.

To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreation places and playgrounds; provide for supervision and instruction for recreational activities; or for community education purposes.

To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes, energy improvement loans, loan agreements authorized by Iowa Code Section 297.36, sales, service and use tax revenue bonds issued under Iowa Code Section 423E.5 or Iowa Code Section 423F.4.

To provide funds for property tax relief; and

To provide funds for other authorized expenditures and purposes as now or hereafter permitted by law and designated by the BCLUW Community School District.

It being understood that if this proposition should fail to be approved by the voters, such failure shall not be construed to terminate or restrict authority previously granted by the voters to expend receipts from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund.

If approved, this Revenue Purpose Statement shall remain in effect until replaced or amended by the BCLUW Community School District.


Shall the Board of Directors of the BCLUW Community School District, in the Counties of Grundy, Hardin, and Marshall, State of Iowa, for the purpose of purchasing and improving grounds; constructing schoolhouses or buildings and opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings; purchasing of buildings; purchase, lease or lease-purchase of technology and equipment; paying debts contracted for the erection or construction of schoolhouses or buildings, not including interest on bonds; procuring or acquisition of libraries; repairing, remodeling, reconstructing, improving, or expanding the schoolhouses or buildings and additions to existing schoolhouses; expenditures for energy conservation; renting facilities under Iowa Code Chapter 28E; purchasing transportation equipment for transporting students; lease purchase option agreements for school buildings or equipment; purchasing equipment authorized by law; or for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter authorized by law, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years, to levy annually, a voter-approved physical plant and equipment property tax not to exceed One Dollar Thirty-Four Cents ($1.34) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the school district commencing with the levy for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, or each year thereafter?

Sample Ballots (PDF)

This webpage was printed on January 24, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Marshall County, Iowa, Elections website at
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