Marshall County

Elections by Year


West Marshall Special

December 15, 2020

Special Election
A Special Election is any election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be held for any purpose authorized or required by law; often to fill a vacancy or for a public measure.

Election Results

3/3 Precincts Counted

Highlighted Race(s)

West Marshall School Board TFV 2023

3/3 Precincts Counted · Official Results
Hunter Wilkening
Nathan White

West Marshall School Board TFV 2021

3/3 Precincts Counted · Official Results
Erick R. Eggers
Vachel White

Archived Election Details

 Special Election for West Marshall School

December 15, 2020

In-Person Absentee voting will be at the Great Western Bank, 2nd Floor at 11 N 1st Ave.  Must use north door and wear a mask.

Mailing address remains 1 E Main St, Marshalltown, IA 50158

Hours the Polls are Open

On Election Day, the polls will open at 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM




Townships included in precincts

State Center City Hall,

118 E. Main St., State Center

State Center

           State Center in Marshall County

New Albany Township in Story County

Melbourne Rec Center

613 Main St, Melbourne

Melbourne and Rhodes

Eden, Logan, Marietta and Washington in Marshall County

 Collins Township in Story County


306 Bevins St., Clemons

Clemons, St. Anthony


Bangor, Liberty, Minerva













This is the list of Precincts for West Marshall School District.

Voter Registration Deadline

Friday, December 4th is the final day to pre-register to vote in the December 15th  Special Election.  The office of the County Auditor/Recorder will be open until 5:00 p.m. on that date for eligible electors who wish to register in person. Completed voter registrations may be mailed to the County Auditor/Recorder, and must be received by the above deadline in order to be valid for this election.

Voters who are currently registered need not re-register unless they have changed residences from one county to another. A voter who has changed addresses within the same county as the voter is currently registered may change his/her voter registration address any time before the election or at the voter's new polling site on Election Day.

Registering to vote is a legal requirement to be eligible to vote in Iowa. To be eligible to register to vote, you must:

-- be at least 17 years of age (you must be at least 18 years of age by election day)
-- be a United States citizen
-- be an Iowa resident
-- not have been convicted of a felony (or, if you have been convicted of a felony, have had your voting rights restored)
-- not have been judged mentally incompetent by a court
-- give up your right to vote in any other place.

Iowa law now allows eligible persons to register and vote at the polls on Election Day. An Election Day Registrant must provide acceptable proof of identity and current residence in the precinct that is no more than 45 days old. Click on the link below to see the Election Day Registration Information provided by the Iowa Secretary of State.

Iowa Election Day Registration Information 


Voter Registration Application

How to Get an Absentee Ballot

Eligible and registered voters wishing to cast absentee ballots may vote in person at the office of the County Auditor/Recorder, or may make written requests for absentee ballots to be mailed to them.  .

Voting by absentee ballot in Auditor/Recorder’s Office

A registered voter may cast an absentee ballot in the Great Western Bank beginning Tuesday, December 1st through Monday, December 14th at 11 N. 1st Ave., Marshalltown, IA during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. prior to Election Day.

Voters requesting absentee ballots by mail may submit a request by Friday, December 4th at 5:00 p.m. Requests arriving by mail after 5 p.m. on December 4th cannot be honored.


Voting absentee ballot by mail


Written requests for absentee ballots can be made by using:

The official form - download it here:



In lieu of the official form, absentee ballot requests must be on paper no smaller than 3x5 inches and include the following information:


Mail Absentee Ballot Requests to:           Marshall County Auditor & Recorder

1 E. Main St.
Marshalltown, IA 50158

                                                                        Post Master will forward mail.


No one can request a ballot for another person.

Ways to Return Voted Absentee Ballots

Personal delivery

The voter may personally deliver a voted absentee ballot to the county auditor's office or may designate any other person to do so. If the voter chooses to designate another person to deliver the voted absentee ballot, the voter may require the other person to fill out a receipt and give it to the voter, which the voter should keep. Iowa law requires the other person to deliver the voted absentee ballot to the county auditor's office by the time the polls close on election night or no later than 72 hours after picking up the ballot from the voter, whichever occurs first.

A voted absentee ballot may be delivered in-person to the County Auditor/Recorder's office at the Great Western Bank, 11 N. 1st Ave. during regular business hours Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

In order to be considered on time to be counted for the December 15th Special Election, a voted absentee ballot that is personally delivered must be physically received in the county auditor's office by the time the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on election night.

A voted absentee ballot cannot be delivered to a polling place on Election Day; it will not be counted. However, a voter may surrender an absentee ballot to the precinct election officials at the polling site on Election Day, and the voter will be allowed to vote at the polls.

Office Hours during this Election Cycle

Business hours are 8:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.   Additional hours that the office will be open for absentee voting is as follows:

Friday, December 4th - Open until 5:00 p.m.

Monday, December 14th – Open until 5:00 p.m.

Special Precinct Board

The Special Precinct Board will open and count absentee ballots on Election Day.   The results from the absentee ballots will not be released until shortly after the polls close at 8:00 p.m.

Public Test of Voting Equipment

The public test of the county voting system will be on Wednesday December 9 and will be in the Courthouse at 1 E. Main St., Marshalltown, IA 50158. We will be in the courthouse for the public test and Election Day after 4:30 pm where our Election Night Results will be posted on our website at

The polls close at 8:00 p.m. and unofficial election night results will be available on this website.  The Voters will be able to come into the Courthouse will be open until all precincts have reported, you will have to call our number listed on the south gate to be escorted into the Courthouse. Or use this website to check up-to-date totals.

Remember that election night results are unofficial. They include absentee ballots and results from the precincts, but do not include results from provisional ballots that are subsequently determined to have been valid. They also do not include any valid voted absentee ballots that were postmarked prior to Election Day and that are received by Noon on Monday, December 21st.


Canvass of Election

The Marshall County Board of Supervisors will meet at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 to canvass the results of December 15th Special Election. At this meeting the board will canvass the tally lists and prepare official abstracts of the election results. The canvass will include election night results, as well as any provisional ballots and late-absentee ballots that are determined to be valid and on time. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at Great Western Bank on the 2nd floor in our temporary location.


Voting System

Voters in Marshall County will use special paper ballots that will be counted at each precinct with the use of precinct-count optical-scan machines. Absentee ballots will be counted with the use of the Optical Voter Count Scanner. In addition, for any voter who needs assistance in marking the ballot, a ballot-marking machine will be available in each precinct in the county. It will also be available for demonstrations and for absentee voting at the county auditor's office. All election equipment and related software has been tested and certified for use in the State of Iowa.


Poll watchers

Poll watchers may represent:

      supporting approval of questions on the ballot at an election. 

Ethics and Campaign Disclosure

A candidate or a person who advocates for or against a candidate or a ballot issue may be subject to requirements and restrictions of Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure laws. Campaign finance disclosure forms, brochures, and other information are available at

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board
510 E 12th, Suite 1A
Des Moines IA 50319
(515) 281-4028 phone (515) 281-3701 fax

Yard Signs

Campaign signs may be placed with the permission of the property owner on private property. Campaign signs cannot be placed in the public right of way which is described in general as the area between the sidewalk and the curb in a city and as the area between the shoulder and the fence line in rural areas.  Yard signs may not be place on public or corporate property. 

Voter Registration Information for Campaign Purposes

Iowa law states that voter registration information is a public record. However, the use of that information is restricted to bona fide political purposes or to a bona fide official governmental purpose.  Use for commercial purposes is prohibited by law.

Persons advocating for or against a candidate or public measure on the ballot may request lists of registered voters from the county auditor's office in a variety of customized formats.  For further information, stop by the County Auditor/Recorder's office in the Great Western Bank or call (641) 754-6302.


Sample Ballots (PDF)

This webpage was printed on March 28, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Marshall County, Iowa, Elections website at
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